Yay! Thanks for scheduling a Reiki session.
I am looking forward to seeing you. Please make a payment prior to your session. This leaves us more time for Reiki.
Email Sara with questions, [email protected]
Pay per session:
Virtual Sessions:Your Zoom link is in your email confirmation (save the email). You will also see the Zoom link in your calendar if you accept the calendar invite (highly recommend). If you lose your link, please email me at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment.
Studio Sessions:Directions to
Village Physical Therapy 347 Main Street, Gorham A link to the Studio directions are below. Park in the lower lot, see the picture below. Enter under the red awning "Village Physical Therapy". I will meet you in the lobby.
Sara Bird Nelson
Holy Fire Reiki III Master/Teacher Certified Feng Shui Teacher Certified Mindfulness Practitioner Part Time Faculty, Univ. Southern Maine BS Psychology, San Diego State University MBA, UMASS Boston |