Around the World, people tend to the energy of their home. Practices like Feng Shui, Wabi Sabi, Biophila, Vastu Shastra, provide a foundation for people to connect to their surroundings.
We are often guided to create a vibration or energy in our life through Hygge, Langom, Ikigai, Pura Vida. Each having a component tied to our surroundings.
Your subconscious is, in part, fed by your surroundings.
Neuroscience sheds light on how our subconscious mind is guiding and our conscious mind is rationalizing that guidance to keep us safe.
When our surroundings begin to share that growth is safe and available, our subconscious picks up on this message of safety and possibility. Our conscious mind has no foundation to change the message. There is no message to rationalize that growth is unsafe.
Within our homes and workspaces, there are hidden blocks preventing us from getting over the healing hump, telling us that what we desire in some way is simply not possible. These hidden blocks prevent us from being in full joy and abundance in our life, from realizing a path forward, from, dare I say, manifesting our dreams.
Cultures all over the world, for thousands of years, have been tuning into the energy of their surroundings. From ceremonial sweeping the bad luck away, to shaking the house, smudging, decluttering or simply cleaning the home for a fresh start, people all over the world have been tending to their homes. Ceremony around our spaces is not new.
You are likely tuned into the piles of shoes, the clutter, the mess. Are you tuned into the overall energy that your home is sharing with you?
It is time to take a look at Your Energetic Home
Imagine your home being a reminder to you of your desires, your growth, your abundance, your joy rather than dragging you down.
Tuning into the flow of energy in your home creates a personal sanctuary. Your home becomes a nest, a place of solitude amidst the chaos of life. Shifting energy in your home will shift energy in your life. You will create an environment that supports your well-being and all that you desire. Sara guides you in creating your sanctuary to support you in your dreams and move from chaos to clarity.
Your Energetic Home Workshop
A workshop to shift the energy in your home and in turn, your heart. You begin to move forward on your path. We lean on the foundations of Feng Shui and other home healing modalities to align our home to the energy of peace, abundance and harmony.
You will leave this workshop with actionable steps to shift your energy via the energy of your home.
We will cover:
how to detect energy flow in your home
how to clear the energy in your home
how to set and focus the energy in your home
You will shift the vibration of your home. You will shift your subconscious. You will shift your vibration. You will shift your life.
You will find peace. You will shift your heart. You will connect to opportunities. You will create a space that sings to your soul.