I trust you found some nuggets of info to take home and deepen the sanctuary and peace of your place. As I said when we were gathered, be easy on yourself and hold your home in gratitude. Enjoy the process of bringing in the elements as you align them to the different areas of your life.
Should you have any questions, please send along an email, [email protected]. I ask that you be patient with my response, allowing for at least 24 hours, as I am working with private clients.
You may download the workbook for free below. You will be asked to move through a checkout process, providing your email. You will see that the cost is $0. By downloading this digital workbook, you will become a part of my email list and join me in the Healing Hut. I send approximately 1-3 emails a month. By allowing me into your inbox, you will find special events and general healing arts info
I look forward to hearing how life unfolds as you bring in the art of healing and honoring your home.
Click the picture below to download the workbook. Enjoy!