Thanks so much for joining me for the Clutter Clearing Challenge! I so hope that you had fun taking care of your divine self along the way. Post questions and comments below or in the Healing Hut. This challenge will be available through January 2022. I hope you are inspired to keep clearing! I truly believe that making our days sacred support us in healing. Wear the good stuff, put the jewelry on with your lounge wear, light the candle, soak your feet. Enjoy your sweet, sacred life! Enjoy the recording. xo, Sara P.S. A fun follow-up to this challenge is my mini course, Shift Your Surroundings. You can learn more by clicking here.
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Welcome to Week 3 of our sweet, little challenge. We shift our focus to athleisure and toiletries. Althleisure wear covers the leggings/sweats we lay around in and the leggings/sweats we work out in. In both cases, the shape the clothes are in and the fit are important. How you feel in them is just as important. If these are your laying around clothes, fit, comfort and feeling is where you want to focus, much like our pjs. If these are workout clothes, you will want to focus on fit and fabric. These details are more important than you think as it impacts wicking and your skin as well as movement. The right workout clothes will help motivate you and boost your confidence. You know the drill around what to keep and what to let go. Onto the bathroom. The most important reason you should be aware of your personal body care items is due to spoilage. Stuff goes bad. Your bath, body, skincare all touches your skin just as your undies, pjs, sheets and athleisure wear do - even more so, they sink into your skin. To guide you through your bathroom, keep only what you use. Do not hold onto products that you stopped using because you did not like them and now you cannot bear to throw away a full bottle of whatever. Ask a friend if they want it, get rid of it or repurpose it. For unopened items, those may be able to go to a local food pantry or high school. This includes travel sized stuff. I also like to repurpose items that I didn’t love. I use overnight, moisturizing masks for my foot lotion in the morning. I use conditioner that I don’t like for shaving my legs. I use hair oil that I did not like for cuticle oil. There is no need to save your good stuff for a special day. Every day is special! Enjoy the call recording! xo, Sara Congratulations on amazing work last week! I am so impressed by your determination to dig in, let go and be divine! Let's keep going! We know the importance of rest. Many struggle for a good night sleep and move through their day exhausted. What if a few changes provided us with support in resting? We are working on our everyday wellness and feeling divine in this challenge. The time we spend sleeping is among the most important part of our day. Sleep supports us in our physical and mental functions. You know what it is like to be exhausted due to lack of sleep. So let’s set ourselves up for a good night’s rest. Today, we begin to make change in our surroundings around sleep. We clean out our pajamas and our bedding. We often head to bed too tired to care about our bed or our pjs. So we throw some ill fitting, old tee shirt on, some climb into their unmade bed and call it a day. Having nice bedding creates comfort for our rest time. Our body feels the comfort and relaxes. This triggers our physical and mental body to settle in. From an energetic standpoint, your bedroom is for rest and coupling, whether it is cuddling or sex. You want to be in your best self for both. What you wrap yourself up in sends that self care signal to your brain and your heart that you are supported. There is a strong link between how good you feel and how well you sleep. Think about what you slip on and what you slip in at the end of your day. Get you game on! Pun intended. Call recording is below. Also, a recommendation on a lovely sleep bra. Recommendation:The Enbliss Bralette at Soma was recommended by Suse as a comfy sleep bra, Click here to head to Soma. Happy Friday! As we move into our first weekend of clearing, I encourage you to connect to your heart and the vibration of love. The highest vibration is that of love. Right now, you are in your perfect form because that is where you are being called to be. In this moment, grounded, ready to move forward. That forward movement may look like a gorgeous underwear drawer or it may look like more. When you are in the vibration of love, all is possible. You begin to craft a plan for your next most perfect form. We can shift and move and grow as long as we are honoring where we are now and where we are headed, with no judgement or lack. Lack is a brick wall. Love is a pathway. Walk your path. Enjoy this 5 minute meditation, guiding you to love. Peace, blessings, xo, Sara Meditation![]() Welcome to Week 1! You will need to watch the recording to see how all of this started. Let's just say, I definitely had my panties in a wad. We begin in our underwear drawer this week and let go of all the stuff that does not fit, feels icky against your body and makes you feel less than confident. Truly, the right undergarments support us in moving through this World in confidence. Your unders offer an opportunity of self care and expression. Wear the comfy, amazing ones! Let your body feel good! This week we also tackle the sock stash. Dive in and let go. You will find a guide for this journey below. Simply click to download. You will find guidance on what we are decluttering and how to do it. As I mentioned in the call today, how we manage our stuff after it comes out of the laundry is just as important as what we are keeping because it makes us FEEL amazing. We are going for long term success in keeping these areas organized and vibing in confidence. I would love for you to share before and after pictures. You can post them in The Healing Hut or send them to me to share here. If you share your pictures on Facebook or Instagram, tag me @sarabirdnelsonhealingarts. The recording is below. Apologies for the abrupt start - I introduced myself and forgot to hit record. :) Enjoy! xo, Sara p.s. - stay focused on one week at a time. No need to overwhelm yourself with decluttering. Get the underwear and sock straight then we will move forward. Let this be fun. p.s.s. let this be fun by creating a ritual of sorts - light a candle, listen to music or a podcast and spend 30-60 minutes enjoying the process of caring for yourself. ![]()
Welcome to our sweet cluttering clearing challenge. I am happy to share that we are not diving into our basement, garage, deep dark hall closets. This challenge brings you home to your most divine self. We will unite together and take on that which touches us all day long. The stuff that we don't share with the world. The stuff that is snagged, stained, holed, uncomfortable, old, ill fitting and so on. The items against our beautiful bodies that we sigh and tug at. Open up those dressers and drawers and release the old underwear, socks, pjs, bedding, and toiletries. This is the stuff we quietly hoard because they are not completely worn out. And, let's be honest, not on public display. This stretched out underwear, itchy socks, wonky pjs, worn bedding and extra lotions carry stuck energy if they are not being used and/or an energy of lack because we put up with worn out goods that don't make us feel fab. These worn out goods keep us in judgement of ourselves. No more. Today we flip the story and care for ourselves through our under layers so that our deeper layers within begin to emerge in their full divineness. I was recently explaining to a dear client how to feel into something. I described it as wearing your most cherished, summer, flowy dress and how free it feels when the wind moves the skirt and the sun hits your shoulders. That is what I want each of you to invoke within as you move through the next 3 weeks. You will move into your goddess self simply because your underwear fits and feels good. You will move into grounding simply because you are wearing comfortable socks. You will move into your sexy simply because you feel magnificent in your pjs. You will move into your deepest rest simply because your bed cradles you in luxury. You will walk, move and groove in confidence simply because your active wear moves with you. You will glow simply because you are using products that work for you. Ultimately, in the matter of 3 weeks, you will grow and move through this world connected to a deeper love for yourself because you are worthy of feeling fabulous. Yes, this outer work will impact our inner work. And the inner work comes as we learn to love and take care of our outer self while we cherish our inner self. ![]() Hi! Hello! I am so glad that you are here. I am Sara Bird Nelson, I am an Energy Enthusiast and Soul Mentor. I lean on the foundations of Reiki, Feng Shui, and Mindfulness to bring us back to heart and home. I know that we are capable and worthy of living in alignment with the energy of the Universe. I am a guide to your growth and connection to that alignment. xo, Sara The ChallengeWe will gather on Zoom 4 times for 20 minutes and you will have a journal to support you as you move through clearing your stuff. Zoom gatherings will be recorded and posted on this page. Plan on 30-60 minutes of time on your own each week..
Your job is to show up for yourself (even if you watch the recording), DO the decluttering and releasing and listen to your heart as you move through this. I want you to feel this more than think this process. We will chat about that in our first call. Zoom Schedule: Monday, November 1st Noon EST - Week 1 Monday, November 8th Noon EST - Week 2 Monday, November 15th Noon EST - Week 3 Saturday, November 20th 7:00 AM EST - Celebration - Coffee chat I look forward to connecting! Monday, 11/15, Noon ESTTopic: CCC Week 3 Time: Nov 15, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 4317 5758 Passcode: 171427 One tap mobile +19292056099,,87643175758# US (New York) +13017158592,,87643175758# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 876 4317 5758 Find your local number: Saturday Morning Chat Topic: CCC Coffee Chat
Time: Nov 20, 2021 07:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 811 9429 6372 Passcode: 027613 One tap mobile +19292056099,,81194296372# US (New York) +13017158592,,81194296372# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 811 9429 6372 Find your local number: |
SaraWelcome! Let's connect to our inner divine and most beautiful self. Access Octomono Masonry Settings